Author Archives: Ken Wilson


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This wonderful vegetable, one of the oldest edible sources known to mankind, found in a bewildering array of recipes and preparations, be it your favorite salad, gravy or curries. It has also been in use in traditional medicines since ancient times for health-promoting curative properties. Onions are a cool-season vegetable that can be grown successfully through most of Temperate America. They may be started from seed, sets, or transplants. What starts onions to enlarge is day length. This is in March April. Different varieties of onions require different day lengths. Local garden centers will have the proper varieties for your area. The normally sweet onions that are grown in the south take a longer growing season to turn the starches into sugars.

“An Onion a Da

Onions, one of the most versatile vegetables, are one of many popular members of the nutritious allium family. Shallots, garlic, green onions, leeks, and chives are other well-known cousins, and they all have extraordinary health benefits. They each contain flavonoids, natural antioxidants that may help to prevent many diseases including cancer and heart disease. Garlic, in particular, stands out for its ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure and reduce the risk of blood clots and infection. Alliums are also antifungal and antibacterial which means they can fight viruses that can lead to the flu and colds, and relieve upset stomach and other gastrointestinal disorders. To maximize their benefits, it is recommended that alliums be eaten raw, but cooking doesn’t entirely diminish their effects. ”

Soil Preparation

Onions are grown in almost any type of soil; a soil high in organic matter and well-drained is preferred. Add rotted manure, compost or other organic matter the fall preceding the spring crop and work into the soil.


Get a soil sample before starting in spring. Then you will know exactly what your soil needs and how much. Apply a fertilizer that is high in phosphorus and potassium such as 6-24-24 at 4 to 5 pounds per 100 square feet. This is always good for root crops if you have not had a soil sample. As the crop grows a side dressing of fertilizer,10-10-10, 1# per 10 feet at 2 -3 inches from rows. Another suggestion is after onions are actively growing put down compost this will restrict the weeds and add some fertilizer to the plants.


Plant onions as early when the soil is dry enough to be worked in the spring since light freezes do not injure them. Later crops can be started up to May 15 but early planting is advantageous for larger bulbs and better storing onions. Planting for green onions can be made at any time. The minimum spacing of rows is 12 to 15 inches apart.


Sowing every from seed takes a long time and usually good for green onions only. Thin down to 3-4 inches apart allowing onions to enlarge.



Sets are small dormant bulbs planted directly into the garden. They should 1 to 2 inches deep 2 to 3 inches apart. Thin to 3 to 4 inches apart as they grow. Those that are removed can be used as green onions. Sets come in red, yellow, and white. Taste and flavor can vary do to cultivars types.

Larger sets tend to bolt more easily. Use these as green onions. Smaller bulbs tend to make larger onions.

What causes onions to enlarge is a combination of day length and temperature. Day length is the trigger, however, if there are cold temperatures the onions will not enlarge satisfactorily.



Plant roots 1 inch deep or lower to make the white portion greater in white onions plant deeper. Transplant the seedlings outside in early April. They will damage if temperatures are less than 20 degrees F.

Winter storage onions should be planted in early May.


Green onions can be harvested any time after the plants are 6 inches high. Larger onions can be harvested any time after the tops fall over. The longer it takes the sweeter the onion. Once harvested the can be stored in a cool dry area with lots of air circulation, like hanging in a potato sack from the rafters.

See the table below for an in-depth analysis of nutrients: Onion (Allium cepa),  raw, Nutrition value per 100 g. (Source: USDA National Nutrient database)
Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 40 Kcal 2%
Carbohydrates 9.34 g 7%
Protein 1.10 g 2%
Total Fat 0.10 g 0.5%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 1.7 g 4.5%
Folates 19 mcg 5%
Niacin 0.116 mg 1%
Pantothenic acid 0.123 mg 2.5%
Pyridoxine 0.120 mg 9%
Riboflavin 0.027 mg 2%
Thiamin 0.046 mg 4%
Vitamin A 2 IU 0%
Vitamin C 7.4 mg 12%
Vitamin E 0.02 mg 0%
Sodium 4 mg 0%
Potassium 146 mg 3%
Calcium 23 mg 2%
Copper 0.039mg 4%
Iron 0.0.21 mg 3%
Magnesium 10 mg 2.5%
Manganese 0.129 mg 5.5%
Phosphorus 29 mg 4%
Zinc 0.17 mg 1.5%
Carotene–ß 1 mcg
Crypto-xanthin-ß 0 mcg
Lutein-zeaxanthin 4 mcg


The phytochemical compounds allium and Allyl disulfide in onions have anti-mutagenic (protects from cancers) and anti-diabetic properties (helps lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. They are a rich source of chromium, the trace mineral that helps tissue cells respond appropriately to insulin levels in the blood; thus helps facilitate insulin action and control sugar levels in diabetes. are also a good source of the antioxidant flavonoid quercetin, which is found to have anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetogenic functions. They are also good at antioxidant vitamin, vitamin C and mineral manganese which is required as a co-factor for anti-oxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. In addition, isothiocyanate anti-oxidants help relieve cold and flu by exerting anti-inflammatory actions. Onions are also good in a b-complex group of vitamins like pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folates and thiamin. Pyridoxine or vitamin. B-6 helps keep up GABA levels in the brain which works against neurotic conditions.

Nutritional Analysis

Good points

  • Very low in saturated fat
  • No cholesterol
  • Very low in sodium
  • High in dietary fiber
  • High in manganese
  • High in potassium
  • High in vitamin B6
  • Very high in vitamin C

Bad points

Very high in sugar


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I believe the most significant value that was passed on to me by my Grandfather and my mother was patience. This virtue is but only one of the many lessons that have helped me in so many ways in life.  In this rush, rush life we live in sometimes it pays off to slow down and let problems resolve themselves. In gardening waiting for the anticipated garden to grow or the lovely rose to bloom, patients are a must as Mother Nature has her own schedule and you cannot rush her in any way.

This spring has been a great example of being patient, the extremely cold and long winter made many warm weather plants late in appearing in our gardens. Crepe Myrtles, Milkweeds, Hibiscus, are some plants that need some warm weather to get them to show themselves. I have told many eager gardeners to wait before the cut-down and pull out the dead in their Crape Myrtles that in time will show they still may be alive.

Over this last weekend, two people have told me that as they were approaching their Crepe Myrtles with their removal equipment only to find green was coming from the limbs and sprouting up from the bottom of the plant. So, patients have spared them much loved Southern Crepe Myrtles, from being removed and something else put in the place with less summer beauty.

Normally cleaning and removing dead limbs are usually done in early spring when you first get into the garden but on some warm weather items, waiting is best. Gardening is not a fast or hurried up adventure, it moves at its own pace and patients bring to your immense rewards. Working every day in your yard or garden can bring pleasure to everyone that comes by your garden. It is one of those pass times that is well worth passing on to the next generations.

Digiplexis Illumination “Flame”

Digiplexis Illumination “Flame”

Digiplexis Illumination “Flame” When something comes along that is different everyone should know. I have seen this plant in several trade journals and it shows great promise. It is from the foxglove family and is truly annual but the flower power that it shows will truly make it a great addition to any garden. It is a plant that was breed by a company out of England called Thompson & Morgan.

Its growth habit is 24” tall and 15” wide with multiple stalks of rose and soft orange-colored tubular flowers that look to be about 8” to 12” long. This plant needs regular water and fertilizer grows in full sun from early summer until fall. Also, I would think that it would need deadheading to remove old flowers and encouraging new shoots to arise from the sides.

Of its many attributes, it is sterile which allows the bloom to stay on longer but I do not know if it will be a favorite of hummingbirds, as they go after the nectar.

It has won several trade awards and I feel it will go on to win more. I am sure other colors will follow. I was so fascinated that I purchased one to watch wow it truly grows. This plant may be one of those plants that show up greatly in beds and borders and will stand out the whole summer.

Watch for this plant in your local Garden Centers and buy one to see how it works in your garden. Remember this plant in Saint Louis is an annual not a perennial

If you know any other information on this plant please add to the blog.


Coreopsis becomes Flower of Hope

Coreopsis becomes Flower of Hope

Coreopsis ‘Electric Avenue’ / Flower of Hope

thCAMQ8JRCThe previously named ‘Electric Avenue’ has been changed to “Flower of Hope” it will be uses in the gardens of all the Mayo Clinics. It was breed and introduced by ‘ItSaul Plants’ its brilliant yellow flower will be very showy through the season.

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Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

I 16 copyIn history before Christopher Columbus there was what was called the spice trade routes.  Along these routes many item were traded included were several spices, cloves and cinnamon, nutmeg, black pepper and aloes wood. (We will talk more later on these spices.) There were actually two routes one to the north and one to the south. The actual location of where these items were grown was kept secret as to control the wealth of several families. This made it difficult for the purchase and movement of the spices from the Far East to Europe.

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